Articles posted by Admin

什麼是人工植牙?What is Dental Implant?_ Chinese edition__ Dr. Yang’s Dental Implant Series (1)

什麼是人工植牙?What is Dental Implant?_ Chinese edition__ Dr. Yang’s Dental Implant Series (1) In this series, we would discuss about: 1. 什麼是人工植牙? 2. 植牙的時間順序是怎麼樣? 3. 怎麼選擇植體的品牌? 4. Interview 南加州本診所植牙病人Mr. Cody Liu 現身說法 What is dental implant?  Usually, when there is a missing tooth, we can place a titanium implant inside the alveolar bone. The term osseointegration,

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Difference between the TMD devices and the Night Guard_Part. 2_ Dr. Yang’s TMD TALK (5)

Difference between the TMD devices and the Night Guard_Part. 2_ Dr. Yang’s TMD TALK (5) Last video, we discussed about the types and the functions of night guard. Here comes the juicy part of this series. The TMD devices. Most commonly, there are two widely used TMD devices, anterior deprogrammer and Michigan splint. The devices

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